Starbucks Hong Kong Window Murals

A quick project for Starbucks office in Hong Kong, to create artwork on the window for three meeting rooms. Each room has a theme to work with: Tiger, elephant and bird. The objective of the project is to create artwork on the window, yet keeping a substantial amount of transparency. My mural works are mainly detail oriented, and finding the balance inbetween is the trick for this project. ⁣

Compared with the DBS project in which I created highly detailed artwork, the amount of details for this project need to be restrained, yet still need to reflect my personal style. Took me quite a while to figure out the right amount of details for the windows. Often when we are so used to creating in a certain way, in my case it would be detail oriented, switching to the opposite side can be super challenging. I have always admired artists who could create simple, yet beautiful artwork. How simple strokes can trigger so many imaginations within one’s mind. ⁣

I have taken this opportunity to experiment my way of “simplicity”. How much detail I can let go while people could still recognise those work were created by me. It was a wonderful experience. My ultimate goal in art and design is to be recognisable even when work are done in many different ways, and the audience recognise my work not by my techniques, but by the soul within. Long way to go.⁣

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